A second-generation lighting designer, Anna Kondolf leverages her broad experience in art, architecture, graphic design and landscape design to create custom lighting solutions for a wide range of residential, hospitality, commercial and civic projects. With over twenty-six years of experience in all aspects of the field, she blends aesthetic vision with technical expertise to create lighting that supports and enhances the design intent of each space.
Raised outside of New York City she was exposed to a culture of design and art at an early age through her theatrical father and artistic mother. She pursued studies in art, art history, theater and architecture in her undergraduate schooling and went on to work in the field of architecture and study landscape design. While pursuing an MLA in Landscape Architecture from University of California, Berkeley she worked as an art director and illustrator for the California Coastal Commission and the California Coastal Conservancy. Anna was introduced to the field of lighting design through her mother who had collaborated with Richard Kelly, widely considered to be the father of lighting design. Her diverse grounding in the visual arts gives her a unique and holistic perspective on the design process and allows for close collaboration with architects, landscape architects, interior designers, electrical engineers and contractors.
Anna is an adventurous and creative lighting designer following the many innovative trends in the field. She studies lighting design internationally across the full spectrum of the field’s concerns from problem solving energy efficiency to the emotional and psychological effects of light. With her experienced team, she provides a full array of lighting design services including lighting plans, fixture and switching specifications, custom fixture and decorative fixture sourcing and installation supervision.